Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tara's post

Konichiwa! Tara here! ^_^ Ah, Okinawa, what to say? What to say? I’ve seen my first cockroach, gotten my first bug bite (spider I think), and it’s (pardon the language) hot as hell. Actually, today is quite nice. Last night we had this huge rainstorm that caused some flooding in the streets and it cooled everything off nicely. Today is nice and cool with low humidity, fog, and clouds. It was very amusing to see my host Nana put on a long sleeved jacket when its roughly 70 out. You can just feel the humidity waiting in the air though, and if that sun comes out it’s going to get really hot really quick.

Yesterday we went to a place called Okinawa World. It’s about 10 mins away from the school by car and it was very cool. Very touristy but very cool. We went down into the caves which was very nice because it was nice and cool. We saw lots of sakana and really cool cave structures. Then we wandered Okinawa World and saw a really cool snake demonstration and traditional Okinawan dance. I actually got about a min of the performance on video before one of the staff members came over and asked me to turn off my camera. Then we wandered around the place and I bought some really good Hibiscus Tea. I mean come on, blood red, sweet tea, it was expected. ^_^’’’. I also bought a cell phone charm. Sanji from One Piece sitting on a shisa grinning, sooooooo awesome!

My host family is very nice. I sleep in a room with my host Nana in a bunk bed. So no Japanese bed for me. It makes me miss my own bed because this one is so hard and uncomfortable. Ah well, I can live with it and most of the time I’m so tired by the end of the day that I don’t even notice the bed. I cannot sleep with the air on at night as the Japanese believe that doing so will cause one to get sick. Last night however, both myself and Nana were so tired that we passed out with the air on. So when I woke up in the morning I actually didn’t feel gross! Yay! They’ve fed me some really strange food, but it’s all been really good. They keep feeding me chicken because when I first arrived we went to a chicken shop that was basically like the Japanese version of KFC and it was really good, so I get lots of chicken. Haven’t been brave enough to try fish yet. They served fish one night at supper and I didn’t eat it because it looked a little to raw. Funny story, I asked them if the fish was Salmon and they replied with “No, just fish”. It amused me greatly.

Something unexpected has happened, we are going to be here during Koyosai, which is Koyo’s school festival, something that has never happen before. So we will only be in school with our hosts for roughly 4 or so days out of the 2 weeks. This also means that we get like 4 days off of school these 2 weeks, which gives me lots of time to walk around and take pictures. My artistic needs have surfaced once again now that I am a little more settled and comfortable.

Nana and her family have 2 dogs that live outside and they are the cutest things I have ever seen. Both are still puppies and are soooo adorable. They also have lots of cats that roam around their house, a lot like Uncle John’s and Aunt Sue’s Mom and Dad. ^_^ I think they have about 6 cats, 2 adults and 4 kittens. Everyone, be expecting lots and lots of pictures!

Over all I’m having a great time. A little homesick but most of the time I’m so busy with activities that I don’t have the time to be homesick. We’ve already got some running inside jokes and everyone has been awesome. Oh, Yuke says hi and sends a big hug to everyone who met her back home! I send my love as well. Love you all! See you in 3 weeks! Be expecting lots and lots of pictures and video, because I’m going to have tons! Love you all and please don’t worry about me, I’m having a great time! Love you Mom, Dad and everyone else! ^_^

And remember… CHOICE!!!! (sorry, inside joke)

Students hoted by 1st year students introducing themselves in front of the assembly of all 1st years.

We got to experience the poisonous snakes of Okinawa, oh yea, and the not-so-poisonous ones too...

Lauren and Brianna sitting with their class at the 1st year assembly.

Colton seems to be followed by an entourage every where he goes...

Lauren experienced art class. They made 4-koma Manga (4 box comics)


Greg Y said...

Lucy with snake - WOW!

Grikdog said...

たら、われわれの耳が大きいから、もうたくさんに書いてしますねえ! Yes, you should laugh at my Japanese (^^;)
-- Dad

Anonymous said...

Where's the picture of you with the snake?
Keep having fun!! And try to stay cool!
Love you Mom

Anonymous said...

OMG I miss you!!!!!!! And seeing the thing from Yuke totally made me wish that i had gone...I miss you and I love you Gabby

Anonymous said...

I miss you a lot! I'm really jealous that you guys got to see snakes...but I'm happy you're having a blast!!!-Kassie

Brytt said...

ik im a little late on reading this, but i miss u!!!! we're definitely having a party when u get back tara!-Brytt