Monday, June 28, 2010

Carrena's Day - Nara

No time to arrange the photos or caption them Will do when we get to Tokyo!

Today was a long day, but it was a pretty good day. Our three main destinations were Todaiji, Byodoin, and then we saw Fushimi Inari Taishya. Personally, my favorite places were the Todaiji temple and Fushimi Inari Taishya.

I had been looking forward to these two places more than any of the otherplaces. I think my favorite part of Todaiji was all of the deer. I couldn’t believe how comfortable they were around all of the people. Plus , I enjoyed watching some people squeeze themselves through this tiny hole that is in the bottom of this tree stump that is inside of the temple.

Then, after we were finished touring Byodoin, we went to Fushima Inari Taishya. This is the place that I was looking forward to the most, because I the first time I saw this place was in the movie Memoirs of a Geisha. At this site there are ten thousand tori gates, which are orange and black. In the movie, you see the little girl running through the gates, so of course I felt obligated to do this. Even though I was ten times hotter/sweatier, it was worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carrena I remember that scene well. How I wish I could have been there to see you reenact it! Embrace every experience there...
