Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lucy's Post - Kyoto Fun

Hi all! Japan in general is fascinating. Okinawa is where I belong. Kyoto is like Carrena- it has many personalities, all of which are pleasant in their own way. It can be scary and intimidating, but also serene, surprising and beautiful. You’re welcome, Carrena B. So today we went to Kinkakuji (the gold covered temple), Ryouanji (Cool temple with rocks and gardens), and Nijo Castle. Nijo was amazing. The floorboards are called Nightengale floors because they squeak every time you step on them. They were the most interesting floors I’ve ever seen. And the art there was beautiful too. There were restorations going on when we were there, but theres just so much art that there can’t possibly be a time without restorations. Kinkakuji was just beautiful. It was so absolutely gold that it looked fake, but the fact that it was real made it that more awe inspiring. After our sightseeing we went back to the city and did some shopping. Then we did Karaoke, and that was without a doubt my favorite part of the night. I sang many songs, but my favorite one was Paparazzi. And everyone else was ok too, I guess. ;;;;DDDD Then there were drunk guys in the lobby of the karaoke place. We keep seeing these adorable puppies everywhere and it makes me miss my babies.>

-I miss the Kinjos.

-Kyoto is awesome.

-I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me. Papa. Paparazzi.

Good night!!! (Morning? ; D)


Greg Y said...

Lucy, I love that you feel that sense of belonging in a place so far away and different from home. I trust you feel a sense of belonging at home, too. :) One day, when your home is in Okinawa, I will love visiting you there.

Dawn (Lucy's mom) said...

I want to visit this with you one day! Very well written blog entry, my fascinating and awe-inspiring daughter!